Main Sponsor

Become a Main Sponsor for the HSCC Online Races Championship
We are excited to offer you an exclusive opportunity to become one of our prestigious main sponsors for the year 2024, joining an elite group of forward-thinking companies who understand the value of associating their brand with our exhilarating championship.

We invite companies to consider an one year sponsorship investment of £2,500 GBP to secure one of only 12 highly-coveted main sponsor positions for the HSCC Online Races Championship. In return for your generous support, you will receive a comprehensive array of promotional benefits, ensuring your brand's visibility to a vast and engaged audience throughout the year.

As a main sponsor, you will enjoy the following advantages:
Prime Placement on Our Main Website: Your company's logo and name will take center stage on our championship's main website ( This prominent digital real estate ensures your brand is immediately visible to all visitors, participants, and fans who engage with our online platform.
Prominent Presence at Events: Your branding will be featured on promotional materials and flyers distributed at a variety of events associated with the HSCC Online Races Championship. This includes real-world racing events and exhibitions, as well as HSCC simulators, creating a direct connection between your brand and our enthusiastic audience.
On-The-Move Exposure: Your company's stickers will adorn our racetrailer, ensuring your brand's visibility wherever our championship travels. This mobile advertising opportunity provides a unique way to showcase your support for the championship to a broad demographic.
Exclusive Circuit Attachment: Your company's name will be prominently associated with one of the 12 racing circuits, underlining your commitment to the world of historic simulator racing. This coveted naming right offers a lasting and prestigious connection between your brand and our racing environment.
Social Media Promotion: Regular shout-outs and mentions on our social media platforms will keep your brand top-of-mind with our followers.
Thriving YouTube Channel: Our YouTube channel is the epicenter of our content, offering a rich source of exposure for your brand. Our race broadcasts, race previews will be providing ample opportunities for brand integration.

The HSCC Online Races Championship is not just a thrilling sport but also a community where passionate fans and dedicated competitors of historic racing come together. By becoming a main sponsor, you not only benefit from increased visibility but also the opportunity to align your brand with our shared values of excellence, innovation, and camaraderie.

We are committed to providing our main sponsors with the maximum return on investment, including comprehensive exposure to our ever-expanding audience. With only 12 main sponsor positions available, this is an exclusive opportunity that shouldn't be missed.

We would be delighted to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can tailor the sponsorship package to better align with your brand's specific needs and objectives. Please feel free to reach out to us at info@ or [Your Email Address] at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering the HSCC Online Races Championship as a partner for your brand's success.
We look forward to the possibility of having esteemed organizations on board as our main sponsors.